zkSync ETHLisbon Hackathon

In this page you'll find all the information you need to participate in the zkSync track of ETHLisbon 2022 Hackathon.


ETH Lisbon kicks-off on October 28th. Although the official hackathon ends on 30th October, we've decided to extend the submission period a few more days. Teams an individuals will be allowed to send submissions (following the process detailed below) until the end of November 4th. Winners will be announced on November 11th in our Discord and Twitter.

Who can participate?

Anyone can participate, no matter if you're attending ETHLisbon in person or not. We'll create a specific channel in our Discord server to talk and help buidlers that decide to participate online.


The top three projects will receive a prize amount of $1000 for a total of $3000 in bounties.


We're asking developers to work with one of the coolest features of zkSync v2: account abstraction.

We'll reward the best / most creative uses of this feature and we're giving you total freedom so you can focus on social recovery, multicalls, paymasters or whatever you want!


Here is a list of resources about account abstraction:

How to send your submission

To send a submissions, just fork this repo and create a PR with your changes. You should create your own subfolder inside /submissions (make sure to give it a unique name). Your submissions should contain the following files and information:


Do I have to provide my personal details?

No, just enough information to contact you. It could be an email address, Twitter handle, Telegram, etc.

Can I choose to get paid in crypto?

Yes. We can pay you in crypto via zkSync.

Will there be any support from Matter Labs during the hackathon?

We will create a specific channel in our Discord server where all teams can reach out and ask questions.

Who and how will you choose the winners?

Multiple members from different teams inside Matter Labs will vote and choose the projects they like most. The top three will be the winners.


This document is a work in progress so changes may be applied